Ken Shirriff
Mah Jongg
-> Mah Jongg Hong Kong Rules
Dan's Shanghainese MJ rules
6: flush (all one suit)
3: flush with words ("mixed flush")
3: all 3-of-a-kind tricks + pair trick
1: all run tricks + pair trick
1: 3-of-a-kind trick in special suit
1: 3-of-a-kind trick, wind of the seat
1: 3-of-a-kind trick, wind of the round
6: 13 orphans (1 and 9 of each suit, 1 each wind, special, 14th card any one of these)
1: self draw winning card
1: self draw winning card from tail end of wall
2: self draw winning card on last draw
4: win on deal (only possible for dealer)
1: independence (win w/o picking up any discards)
1: two regular suits, no words ("lacking one suit")
3: 123, 456, 789 same suit ("pure dragon")
1: 123, 456, 789 any combination of suits ("mixed dragon")
1: 123, 789 same suit
6: xyz, xyz and abc, abc same suit
3: xyz, xyz, xyz in three suits ("three sisters")
1: xyz, xyz, same suit
3: 5 tricks in 5 suits (3 regular suits, one special, one wind)
3: all 5 tricks contain a 1 or 9
2: all 5 tricks contain a 1, 9 or word
1: no tricks contain a 1, 9 or word
1: pair trick is 2, 5, or 8
6: seven pairs
1: anarchy (fourteen unconnected cards, (y-x > 2))
6: anarchy on deal ("13 unconnected")
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Ken Shirriff
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Copyright 1998 Ken Shirriff. Last updated 9/29/98.